Session Two: The Economic and Policy Features of the Gig Economy


University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law

Event Website

Start Date

25-2-2022 9:50 AM

End Date

25-2-2022 11:50 AM


9:50-10:30: Economics of the Gig Economy – Professor Jeffrey Michael (University of the Pacific; Director of Public Policy Programs)

10:30-11:10: Complexity and Variations in the Gig Economy – Peter Leroe-Muñoz, General Counsel and SVP, Tech & Innovation (Silicon Valley Leadership Group)

11:10-11:50: Empirical Assessment of the Lives of Precarious Workers – Professor Veena Dubal (UC Hastings College of Law)

Jeffrey Michael is Director of the Public Policy Programs and Professor of Public Policy at the McGeorge School of Law, the first ABA accredited law school that grants MPP and MPA degrees. He is widely sought after for his economic analyses of major public policy issues impacting California, and is an expert in regional economic development and forecasting.

Peter Leroe-Muñoz serves as General Counsel and Senior Vice President of Technology & Innovation for the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, where he focuses on autonomous vehicles, artificial intelligence, data privacy, international trade, and immigration. He began his legal career in Intellectual Property litigation, and has also worked as In-House Counsel for a financial advisory firm.

Veena Dubal is Professor of Law at UC Hastings College of Law. Her research focuses on the intersection of law, technology, and precarious work. She uses empirical methodologies and critical theory to understand the impact of digital technologies and emerging legal frameworks on the lives of workers. She has also written about the role of law and lawyers in solidarity movements. Her scholarship on the gig economy extends from commentary in popular media to top tier law reviews.

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Feb 25th, 9:50 AM Feb 25th, 11:50 AM

Session Two: The Economic and Policy Features of the Gig Economy

University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law

9:50-10:30: Economics of the Gig Economy – Professor Jeffrey Michael (University of the Pacific; Director of Public Policy Programs)

10:30-11:10: Complexity and Variations in the Gig Economy – Peter Leroe-Muñoz, General Counsel and SVP, Tech & Innovation (Silicon Valley Leadership Group)

11:10-11:50: Empirical Assessment of the Lives of Precarious Workers – Professor Veena Dubal (UC Hastings College of Law)