Session One: An Overview of the Platform Gig Economy


University of McGeorge School of Law

Event Website

Start Date

25-2-2022 8:00 AM

End Date

25-2-2022 8:50 AM


8:00-8:10: What’s at Stake in Distinguishing “Independent Contractors” from “Employees”? – Professor Susan Provenzano (Northwestern University School of Law) (recorded video)

8:10-8:50: California Legal Developments in Categorizing Workers – Professor Francis J. Mootz III (University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law)

Susan E. Provenzano is Professor of Practice at the Northwestern Pritzker School of Law. She practiced in the areas of Employment Law and Anti-Discrimination Law, and has taught these courses at Northwestern University as a Professor of Practice.

Francis J. Mootz III formerly served as Dean of McGeorge School of Law before joining the faculty as Professor of Law. He teaches Employment Law and is co-editor of the casebook, Learning Employment Law. His scholarly articles have focused on the emergence and impact of employment practices liability insurance, and also on the employment issues raised by state-legal cannabis.

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Feb 25th, 8:00 AM Feb 25th, 8:50 AM

Session One: An Overview of the Platform Gig Economy

University of McGeorge School of Law

8:00-8:10: What’s at Stake in Distinguishing “Independent Contractors” from “Employees”? – Professor Susan Provenzano (Northwestern University School of Law) (recorded video)

8:10-8:50: California Legal Developments in Categorizing Workers – Professor Francis J. Mootz III (University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law)