Putting mulberry bark into a wok
Photo from Dimen Village of Wu Meitz putting mulberry bark from a bucket with water into a wok where she will cook it to prepare it for making paper pulp.
...Dimen (地扪村), Liping, Qiandongnan, Guizhou, China
Mulberry bark in wok
Photo from Dimen Village of mulberry bark from in a wok where it will be cooked it to prepare it for making paper pulp.
Dimen (地扪村), Liping, Qiandongnan, Guizhou, China
Adding alkali wok with mulberry bark
Photo from Dimen Village of Wu Meitz adding alkali to a wok with mulberry bark. The alkali or agricultural lime with make the paper brighter.
...Dimen (地扪村), Liping, Qiandongnan, Guizhou, China
Cooking mulberry bark
Photo from Dimen Village of Jennifer Little and Marie Anna Lee photographing Wu Meitz cooking of mulberry bark. Wu Yuping and Ivy Zhang Menhui are talking in the background.
...Dimen (地扪村), Liping, Qiandongnan, Guizhou, China
Washing cooked mulberry bark
Photo from Dimen Village of Wu Meitz washing the ash off of the cooked mulberry bark.
Dimen (地扪村), Liping, Qiandongnan, Guizhou, China
Looking for Chinese gooseberry
Photo from Dimen Village of Wu Meitz among wild gooseberry vines used to make formation aid that helps paper fibers not to stay separated.
...Dimen (地扪村), Liping, Qiandongnan, Guizhou, China
Crushing Chinese gooseberry vines
Photo from Dimen Village of Wu Meitz teaching Marie Anna Lee to crush the Chinese gooseberry vines to release their sap.
Dimen (地扪村), Liping, Qiandongnan, Guizhou, China
Dressing in Wu Meitz's new special occasions under-apron
Photo from Dimen Village of a woman dressing Marie Anna Lee into Wu Meitz's new under-apron. Wu Meitz holds her jacket.
Dimen (地扪村), Liping, Qiandongnan, Guizhou, China
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