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Photo from Dimen Village of Wu Mnci preparing a bench and other implements to warping the backstrap loom outside of her youngest son's home. Metal tweezers used to tend fire lay on the bench with a hollow metal tube that will serve as a shed/coil rod on one of its arms. A red plastic bag filled with various colored threads that she made 3-ply earlier lays on the ground near her feet.
Date Created
Kam, Dong, Guizhou, China, Chinese Minority, Cultural preservation, Dimen Village, Artisans, Wu Mnci, 吴孟席, Crafts, Women, Backstrap Loom, Making of the backstrap loom, Backstrap loom parts, Work
Dimen (地扪村), Liping, Qiandongnan, Guizhou, China
Funding Provided by University of the Pacific
Rights Holder
Marie Anna Lee, c. 2019
Rights Management
All images and videos provided in the Kam Minority Archive by Marie Anna Lee on University of the Pacific's Scholarly Commons are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND) license.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.
Recommended Citation
Lee, Marie Anna, "Bench with implements to make backstrap loom" (2010). All Photographs. 2533.
Kam, Dong, Guizhou, China, Chinese Minority, Cultural preservation, Dimen Village, Artisans, Wu Mnci, 吴孟席, Crafts, Women, Backstrap Loom, Making of the backstrap loom, Backstrap loom parts, Work