Laymen's Missionary Conference
[.Address before Laymen's Missionary Conference, San Francisco, California] ALadEA BAYS WITH J0H1 LIUIH %7 S. Hall i'oung February 23, 1916. Your fellow Californian, and one of the greatest of you, John Auir, was one of the most intensely religious men that I have ever met. His religion was not of the usual type in its outward display. I think that it would have scared him almost to death if anybody had asked him to lead in prayer or to make a religious speech, and yet I have heard him in the presence of the heathen of Alaska make some of the most intensely religious sermons that 1 have ever listened to, and some of the most effective, i cannot better condense what i know about him and my appreciation of the man than in the verdict that I made after long thought and cogitation. he lived aloft, exultant, unafraid, All things were good to him. She mountain old : Stretched gnarled hands to help him climb, The peak ..aved blithe snow-banner greeting; and for him ; 2he rav'ning storm, aprowl for human life, Purred like the lion at his trainer's feet. The grizzly met him on the narrow ledge, G-ave gruff 'good morning"—and the right of way. The blue-veined glacier, cold of heart and pale, Warmed, at his gaze, to amethystine blush, And murmured deep, fond undertones of love. He walked apart from men, yet loved his kind, And brought them treasures from his larger store. For them he delved in mines of richer gold. Earth's messenger he was to human hearts. The starry moss flower from its dizzy shelf, r2he ouzel, shaking forth its spray of song, The glacial runlet, tinkling its clear bell, The rose-of-morn, abloom on snowy heights - Sach sent by him a jewel-word of cheer. Blind eyes he opened and deaf ears unstopped. He lived aloft, apart. He talked with God _n all the myriad tongues of God's sweet world; But still he came anear and talked with us, Interpreting for God to listn'ing men. To this man of G-od, for so I call him and so I have known him, I think I ©we more than to any other human creature. For he interpreted God to me,—the lesson of the deep fiord and more than all of those terriole, relentless, cold glaciers that he made warm with the love of G-od, the crystal with which he fashioned the world for the blessing and help of human kind. I am to tell you this afternoon of a. few incidents of a voyage or two that i took with him in that great northern land that he loved and that I loved,— whe.ther it is the opening up of that great G-lacier Bay with its sixty miles of
San Fransisco
Date Original
February 1916
Page Number
Resource Identifier
MSS048 Va.10
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University of the Pacific Library Holt-Atherton Special Collections. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.
John Muir, biography, reminiscence, colleagues, contemporaries, archives, special collections, University of the Pacific, California, Holt-Atherton Special Collections, history, naturalist