
James Whitehead


Bade, William Frederic


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Emporia, Kansas, karch 7,1317. Mr.William Fredrick Bade, 323 Marlborough St, Boston,Uaae. Jiy near Sir:- Your letter acknowledging receipt of John Muir matter received thia a-ra-jThe paper containing article-^Iteoo^ioof iono of John Muir'vinuflt have gone a at ray an I mailed it iaynelf.1 Bend you in envelope another oopy aR you rill be nore nuro to got It in this way, father* But for the disclosures of John Muir hlsAneverity with his children would never have been known.Ro far aa I know,and 1 lived in that neighborhood for 3o yeara,no one thought or dreamed of Ur.Muir'a punishing >ils children a* John afterwardn claimed he did.The difference between us waa.we told others about it,the Muir children never did,they bore their punlHhiiont in ailenoe.Thie in my judgement was the reason hla brother David nought to rant rain hinuApropoa to thio -Ploubet in his Notea on the International S*fi*I*ennonsn for IOT5 Mao thia to «ay relative to "Tho Solomon method" & ito application to John Kulr-I,oafton Feb»flI.,IflJ5 on "Hie Death of Eli and his Sona" "He that epareth the rod hateth hla Ron",ia «ft true to day aa it ever was, if "rod* io interpreted ae not merely "n switch** but aa any kind of wiao puniahnent.The faiaoua naturalist ,J0HH tfi/IR in hie autobiography,repraaento hin Scotch father an greatly overdoing the *rod" buftineHft.But JOHM MUIR turned out to be a wonderfully fine nan.'— Prefaced with the remark- hone a, "The raont of those who go astray from religloua not all,could have been paved by wiae restraint and punishment-11 You may have been told-though it nay not be of value or pertinent to your plan -Of Mr Muir* investing largely in books»rolifc-ious,& hio iraveraing that entire country with horae * bupgy and leaving thoro in the homee of fanners who wore unable to purchase a after a sta*ed period ^i^ oVvT tie aaae routu collecting the naioe A leaving othera-Aud thia Kept up for years%Hifl wfly 0f doing Kood *


Emporia, KS

Date Original

March 1917

Page Number


Resource Identifier

MSS048 Va.10

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Some material related to John Muir may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.

Owning Institution

University of the Pacific Library Holt-Atherton Special Collections. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.


John Muir, biography, reminiscence, colleagues, contemporaries, archives, special collections, University of the Pacific, California, Holt-Atherton Special Collections, history, naturalist
