4 called, to Mr. Muir, taking another route to them. But we found" only a few of the smaller geysers, not the wonderful ones we hod previously seen. So we decided to ascend to the top of Lassen, Mr, Hulr pointed out a. little cloud, seemingly about is :.a as a .van's hand, 021 top of fc e mountain, and siiid it would not be safe to ta and climb ■ as a sto. ■ coming up. But we were ignorant and persistent, so he led us up the mouataia, Bu ; wo were coon overwhelmed by a terrifie rainstorm which changed into 2 peculiar combin fcion of sa . ice in conical stones which beat on us furi< j ly. re : - ..■••'. ,. ibaadc the asceat md seek a camping pi ce ii -a igh Sierras for a ..if. hi sre the horses could find to?/', grass. . e were soaked ': -■--'■ • rough oaJ mj husband and Sir. hair made a big fire. Mr. Euir '-.-.:■• so m rr ■ ad uaay, ' laughed sad laughed, for the stone had '"'a passed on " iviag >ehind. We lay Lovra Bnder some aG:iderful treed, the "ill! 1 s< aii, Ln s >ed of stoa s 1 lo : for our beads our saddles across the lo for pill »s, I a :r. '..• ■ tld iOt go to sloep, he said it was ; icked to slee he presence of such glorious sceaerj -. I such splendid trees. She stars hi « se out aft r ; . storm •■; shining :; th intense brilliaacj ' rtling, anc the moonlight illuminated the gorgeous eanyoas that fell thoui is of feet right losa s.t our side. Svery now and then as r, Kair woul stir tl fire the sp rks would fall upoa our wrapping. As Mr, hair aft "" ,' :.a. •■• fc] seem , Seneral Bi .a] .. aid rise, sxelaia-* dng, 'Upon n word,* ahaka off a . ire, and a a b ould Lro • Li s :;nnddy * 'stmld rise, Like st] . h oi : fc sparks fror h • quilt, ..■ SaHaedi " 11 a .. . . d: . Ers, idwel oa fire she ould brash J £j&e sparks fros her blan aets and tall iovxi agaia on her saddle pillow among i the rocks**1 lie said we slej fc 1 . t on " -v s of stora s never had seen sleep; :. . i . ;.. i was a shocked .h ; ayone could sleep ir such 2. nifi^it. la the morning fchf ha: ,.<■■ ats a. the sad; les were eovered srith icicles iroa our bra th, and ria.;. . % beea a verj cold aight none of us took 1 pv sold* .
San Fransisco
Date Original
January 1917
Page Number
Resource Identifier
MSS048 Va.10
Copyright Status
Copyright status unknown
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Some material related to John Muir may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.
Owning Institution
University of the Pacific Library Holt-Atherton Special Collections. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.
John Muir, biography, reminiscence, colleagues, contemporaries, archives, special collections, University of the Pacific, California, Holt-Atherton Special Collections, history, naturalist