Wolfe, Linnie Marsh
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— «J— from somewhere deep under the ground. My uncle said if one could go down deep enough they would find glacial lee still remaialag there, the slow melting of which formed the spring and the pool. John Muir must have loved chlldrea, for I tagged at his heels through the woods aad the marsh and the meadows of that fern like a little puppy. 1 learaed about the birds aad the squirrels aad the chipmunks, and the woodchack that sometimes sat at the door of his house ia the stone wall by the red clover field, aad once we saw a fox. It looked at us in startled surprise for a moment, and slipped out of si^ht as silently as It came. There was a sandy gravelly hillside ia one of oar pastures on which grew blue lupines aad white clover aad big patches of birds-foot violets. There were wild strawberries growlag there, too, aad oaoe we found a whip-poor-will's nest with brown speckled eggs in it. It wasn't much of a aest, just a little hollow in the sand aad gravel, and the mother bird and the eggs were almost the same color as the ground. I almost stepped on the bird before she flew out from under my feet, aad ran away drags-lag h«r wings as if I had hurt her. But my uacle told me she w^s just ■ pretending, to draw me away from her nest. But the great attractioa of that gravelly hillside was the many curious things we fouad there among the gravel; petrified shells, far away from any water; a fragment of metallic stuff which ray uacle told me had beea thrown off from a passing meteor at some time; red. and white striped oaraeliaas; a moonstone; a fragmoat of a broken goods lined with purple amethyst crystals. 093 f/
Portland, Oregon
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MSS048 Vb.7
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Some material related to John Muir may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.
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University of the Pacific Library Holt-Atherton Special Collections. Please contact this institution directly to obtain copies of the images or permission to publish or use them beyond educational purposes.
John Muir, biography, reminiscence, colleagues, contemporaries, archives, special collections, University of the Pacific, California, Holt-Atherton Special Collections, history, naturalist