Circa Date
Always liked storms for then the nature’s mighty energies are most [so] manifest
Little folks like you should state at home in this [such] weather. You have not had your breakfast. You’ll be soaked like a sponge & You’ll soon go lame & bleeding for the ice [ ] going bare & rough is [all bare] & the sharp angles of the crystals will cut your toes & I’ll have to carry you
□ The sky was full of sea-[scud] & rain driving thick & gray over the moaning woods on the mountains & all the streams were roaring full – a wild stormy morning but friendly all the animals in their dens & one could not help fearing the fine sculptures on the glaciers would be spoiled but they were only being made [more] beautiful & [on] their fountains [only] were being replenished with snow [was falling] to to balance the summer wash. All the storm work was love-work all the sounds were worked into one mighty psalm of praise
[Made my] Quickened sympathy for animal relations go farther & surer. Strengthened human sympathy & made it go far beyond our own species
Frozen scenery
Animated by confused [expectations] hopes of discovering some way of escape
The roaring of the wind the roaring of a 1000 streams far & near were massed into one roar & the mountains rocks forests glaciers & the heavens were all [one uniform] gray [mass of] gloom – but I had long been familiar with stormy weather & know that
At Bridge
The stormier weather was the greater enjoyment if in right relations /humanity
Man with hopes & fears was reflected from him just as the heavens are reflected from a small muddy pool
And even since that little dog has shown in my mind like a [fire] light illuminating the gulf between man & beast
And his pitiful cries with everything in them mingles with the wailing wind
# His homely clay was instinct with celestial fire had in it a little of everything that is in man. A horizontal man child. Heart beating in accord with the universal hear of Nature. Had share of hopes fears joys griefs imagination memory soul as well as body. A show of all the celestial fire radiating from heaven to earth
Fellow feeling develops with years & experience. Quicken the natural current of outflowing sympathy & fellowship back & forth between all God’s creatures as deplorably damned up & dissipated in swamps mean pleasures of business & a share of immortality as surely as that which cheers the best of vertical that ever walked on end [that ever walked on end]
□ Mind & heart & soul may be small but they are all there.
# Many only a higher development of gifts common to all
□ Never were talents more completely hidden. He had a good heart. Never more fully revealed, full of quick sensibility but for his supreme stress of peril he might have lived & died unknown. Now all his varied tribe & animals in general are redeemed from the judgment of death & have
Resource Identifier
MuirReel33 Notebook01 Img025.Jpeg
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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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