
John Muir


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I always liked children & dogs

His eyes alone redeemed him from utter meanness

He knew what wolves were – another evidence of Indian origin. Once in camp we hear them howling on a large island


The music detached low soothing cooing swirls beneath the trees caressing the rubus & huckleberry bushes. Drops of rain drumming on the broad leaves of panax, flute tones from spikey towers of ice & whispering rills mingled with roar of storm & flood torrents passing on either side sinking & rising “The [clash/dash] hard by & murmur all round”

The Art of God bringing sweet music out of the shattered spikes of ice & crevasses of glaciers

Our struggle for life was just the same only he was not able to satisfy himself with one view of the difficulty – his tempestuous agonies hard to witness

“Danger deviseth shifts, wit waits on fear” Shak. [Shakespeare]

Careening in circles over the ice

Made our way through the huge black night

The furious ebullition of his fears

The exuberance of joy corresponding

[□] He plainly showed that he dreaded losing his life as if like a philosopher her knew its value. Gifted with faculties of hope & fear. Capable of fear



Dumb patient endurance of weariness & weather

A small horizontal philosopher

Always up to anything wild & adventurous

Moved with reckless daring, jumped as if all one muscle like skippers of [cheese/chase]

Body & brain both small rough & steady. Narrow mental horizon

A wise self-contained. He was now awake & lighted from within

Undemonstrative as if always had lived under a cloud

[□]( Rich in eyes but sad simpleton otherwise

Savages & children know animals best & give them sympathy of real moral kind, but civilization seems always to kill sympathy

Had an air of having suffered sore discipline many experiences & made stupid both to himself & others by slow steady thinking. No tricks or accomplishments

Scoldings & caresses were the same to him would subside in stoical complacency

# How truly sublime the love of ds [dogs] is to man their God & strength of felling but I was not his master & why he insisted on following me I don’t know. The trees on the cliffs bending from the sea blast

Nothing so quickly brings sympathy as fear of death

Seemingly lazy yet fond of adventures

That estimable philanthropist [the] d [dog]

The moral qualities of dog above instinct

Intellectual action seen only in slyly watching operations about the camp.

Resource Identifier

MuirReel33 Notebook01 Img020.Jpeg

Contributing Institution

Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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