
Induction, is to proceed from fact to fact [If in] our researches in any direction [science] we commence upon some well known fact or facts and go on by observation and experiment to analyze and arrange the knowledge thus obtained will be obtained by induction and deduction. Galileo (born in 1564) may be called the father of the experimental science. Bacon born in 1561 in his great work Novum Organum showed this to be the only road to a true [acquaintance] with nature. The ancients were not acquainted with this method so that their explanations being based upon afsumed [assumed] [causes] instead of facts were often contradictory and confused.
Mathematics in science are indispensable in making our deductions.
Canon curves in response to Hoff [Hoffmann] gl [glacier].
First gl [glacier] striae about ½ m [mile] ab [above] fall on [siliceous] granite.
[Sketch: Looking W [West] Avalanche shown to be [superficial] on [fluid] [Mt] [Wat] Solid]
If any [aligns], very narrow at throat.
Gorge [determined] by [feldspathoid] [seams]
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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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