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down yer throats than pushing a canoe” Get out & carry the boat. You will go quicker”
Cecil Rhodes thought in continuity
They asked “Why do you keep on praying to your God? Is he always watching for an opportunity to injure you? Does he get tired of preventing bad spirits putting medicine into your porridge?
“Our spirits never sleep & we let them alone as much as possible”
Notes from “My Story” by Hall Caine
“Thrilling sense of the vastness of O [the world] & the mighty things of Nature.
“What I felt 50 years ago about the Isle of Man – that it was the whole O [world] in little, that all the interests all the passions & almost all the experiences of mankind lay there on that rock in the Irish Sea – has been the motive inspiring my books for if I have learned anything by 5 & 20 yrs [years] of almost continuous travel it is that humanity is one & the same everywhere & that nothing I had known of our tiny Manx race was out of harmony with what I saw of in races great & small at the
Resource Identifier
MuirReel33 Notebook09 Img027.Jpeg
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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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