
Circa Date
also provides a festival for the unhappy memory of past joys etc. For the children of O, for then striving, for the seeker of inordinate enjoyments, for the ambitious for the sensual solitude is but ill- adapted.
[sketch of symbol] that enobles the heart & strengthens it for holy resolutions
From Rupert of Hentzau- A. Hope
Times change for all of us. The roaring flood of youth goes by & the stream of life sinks to a great glow”
“In the aged & ailing the love of peace breeds hope of it”
Notes from Fighting the Slave Hunters In Central Africa by Alfred J. Swann
“My youthful enthusiasm was fired by Livingstone story of slavery in that’s [lost] wilderness
“So long” sailors phrase for “until we meet again”
The rains were now over (June or July) but as yet the grass about 6 feet high was not burned up by those devastating fires which annually sweep over nearly all tropical Africa destroying or stunting most of the young [trees]
Resource Identifier
MuirReel33 Notebook09 Img025.Jpeg
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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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