
Circa Date
Mrs. Goelet
647 Fifth Ave
New York
Jas [James] Wyllie (Senior)
“Glen. Haw”
[Kloof] Road
Cape Town
S. [South] Africa
Mr. Ayers
St Georges St
Cape Town
Mrs. Katharine Hooker
3255 Pacific Ave
S.F. Cal USA [San Francisco California United States of America]
Mrs. Burl A Frank
233 Formosa Ave
Hollywood Cal [California]
Mrs. A. H. Sellars
320 West California St.
Pasadena, Cal [California]
Mrs. Dickey
407 Olcott Place
Pasadena, Cal [California]
Mrs. J. N. Russell
2263 Hobart Blvd
Los Angeles
Charles Keeler
2727 Dwight Way
Berkeley, Calif [California]
W.S. Tinning
Martinez, Calif [California]
110 Ninth St.
Pacific Grove, Cal. [California]
Resource Identifier
MuirReel33 Notebook09 Img015.Jpeg
Contributing Institution
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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