
John Muir


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15 Nose to root of tail 10 in tail 8 Large Ears & eyes. handsome Probably confined to West of Rocky Mts.

Wild Cat or Red Lynx (Lynx rufus)

Gray wolf Can‘ [Canus] [lupis] occidentalis in state

Badger Taxidea Americana

Raccoon Procyon Hernandezii [Mexican plateau raccoon] not exactly like Eastern

Otter, Mink

16 McCloud River Oct 28th 1874 Ferns of the McCloud 2 miles above the confluence with Pit. Are Pelleae Mucronata (not large) Woodwardia radicans Gymnogrammari triangle [triangularis] or Marble Mt [Persephone]Cheilanthus [fragillima] Aspidium (lonehilis)? Glandular hairy Cystop? In limestone Mt Persephone not abund[ant] Small about 6 in h polished stems pale yellowish green fronds Adiantum chilense [pedalum] Polypodium Californicum Pteris ag’ not very tall of all these the last is the commonest & best taking on so much of Autumns brown and & yellow. & [farming] so fine a ground for thickets & [groves]

Date Original

October 1874


Original journal dimensions: 9 x 14.5 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist
