190 Alt [altitude] end 3180 time 15 min [minutes] Window 20 ft [feet] dia [diameter] fine shrubs 40 yds [yards] farther 2d [second] window tufts of shrubs sage [Ribes] moss on floor 150 yds [yards] farther 3d [third] window cherry 40 yds [yards] 4th [fourth] window grassy few shrubs cedars round edge Penstemon 2 cedars 25 yds [yards] [long] sep [separated] from 5 the garden 1 cedar by arch 10 high 25 wide 38 yds [yards] long arch fine last opens to light 25 ft [feet] wide 30 high Eriog [eriogonum] at mouth down 30 [degrees]
191 patches of moss blown sand. in lava opening made by sinking of roof [like] windows (flys in calm hushed light (Robin Shasta with snow [banners] Dir [direction] NNW [north northwest] or to Shasta pk [peak] 220 ft [feet] dif [differential] mouth 3400
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 14.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist