161 Jack [Hartm] Delap 30 inches to 12 ft [feet] Flume 100 ft [feet] long Contrary cuss Knows habits of bowlders 45 yrs [years] old Pike Missouri
There is a relationship between the the phenomena of dead rivers, gravel deposits & outpouring of lava In many places the gravel is capped by lava in some places to a depth of from 500 to 1400 ft [feet]. in some places the lava has been worn off, as on Morville [Mooreville] Ridge
162 (*) In some places the drift seems to have been subjected to a second washing & re-deposition as white gravel Upon Mt [Mount] Shasta there is a series of gravel deposits analagous in structure to those under consideration, upon the ledge of wh [which] lava has flowed Perhaps these [flood] deposits were made by floods that owed their existence to eruptions of hot lava melting the ice of gls [glaciers]. This (Shasta) was positively an [ ] gl [glacial] deposit so may all those now [coming] [channels] [of] [ ]
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 14.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist