
John Muir


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100 battlement of lava to the left, their grand mtn [mountain] stronghold & they initially were undecided as to wh [which] they should attempt to reach. The latter was the safer but it was farther off. They turned this way & that evidently frightened & feeling caught on account of the levelness of the plain in wh [which] they stood. Meanwhile Van & Hep ran towards them crouching in the sages & taking advantage of a slight swell in the ground while Brown who was always doing unheard of things had sent home is rifle in the wagon. Instead of bounding off at once over the plain as antelope

101 would have done & thus saved themselves, they seemed to be out of their element & were able to think only of two places of refuge, the lava cliffs or [their] mtn [mountain] As soon as the hunters heads began to appear above the swell the watchful game [sheep] seeing the absolute need of moving somewhere an old ram led off towards the mtn [mountain] all the others following nearly in single file. About [50] in the flock & as they [bounded] on at right angles [to] formed a [very] exciting scene. The hunters were now about 250 yds [from] & just as they got under full motion

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 9 x 14.5 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist
