
74b 2 1/2 or 3 miles round the south end of lake. Jacks Stronghold, Cave Eriogonum & 2 species of bunch grass with remarkably graceful panicle [mints] too & sage in tufts. Soldiers might well [dread]. All [seem] [to] fear the lava deserts without Inds [indians]. The purity of sky above & [deer] plants lake, birds wholly [redeem] them from all repulsion, Inds [indians] [stone] house so called when threatened Frightened by shells. Modoc boy, fat round handsome few families left. [Sconchin] friendly to whites, went to reservation with about half tribe. Redoubt like crows nest
75 16th All sunshine, crystals on sage, forest largest ever saw, all glorious False hoofs rubber all hoof rubber black Hoofs worn on sides by walking on side hills [sketch of hoof] The head of rams rounded in front of ewes flat [sketch: cross sec in line of eyes; Long [sees]] The general appearance of rams sheepish in front that is shoulders & head-horns but of ewes, scarce at all like a sheep except in the fine wool growing between hairs, goats head (2 pgs over)
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 14.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist