45 The [station] was [chosen] by S two years ago
Bangor M 100,000 Winchester Mass 200,000 Providence RI 100,000 Middleton Conn 300,000 Rochester NY 500,000 Bloomsbury N Jersey 220,000 Marietta, Penn 300,000 Baltimore Md 375,000 Niles Mich 750,000 Clarkstown Mich 150,000 Boscobel Wis 100,000 St Paul Minn 150,000 Anamosa Iowa 300,000 Salt L City Utah 150,000 New Castle Ontario Can 25,000 New Hope Penn Bucks Co 150,000 Georgetown Colorado 25,00 Randolph NY 25,00 Rockford Ill 50.00 Lynchburg Va 50,00 New Zealand 25,00
46 Eggs 5,752500 Total taken 5100000 Hatched
Don Pinchon a monk in the 14th century when monks were the only students, discovered artificial fecundation. No great notice seems to have been taken of it the time & it was perhaps lost. In the year 1764, or about a 100 years ago the art was rediscovered by Jacobi a German & the art is put to practical use in almost all the states & in every civilized country. It seems the Chinese who have
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 8.5 x 13 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist