650 ft at Lake
The 1st mor [moraine] in ascending can [canyon] is irregular.
2d is not far ab [above] 1st & is the largest & most reg [regular] of the 3, curves splendidly from side to side [uniting] with ample [splices] to laterals many mors [moraines] in one 200ft wide?
Trees [upon] it.
3d also well [formed] many small adding to inside showing that the ice went [back] very lingeringly
The S [south] lat [lateral] is timbered from top to bottom with [arrowy] fir & pines & junipers very [lit] [little] underbrush, slope v [very] regular, sublimely simple. A small trib [tributary] entered trunk, just at mouth of main can [canyon] marking small bend on moraine where it united with mtn [mountain].
This mor [moraine] is quite treeless on S [south] side. [Sunbeaten]. So also is N [north] mor [moraine]
So one sees the timbered side of S [south] lat [lateral] & bare side of N [north]
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 8 x 12 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist