
John Muir


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Alt 5200 Sep 22

5th Camp on bank of San Joa [Joaquin]

Mid Fork- Boulder Valley The N [North Fork & Stream next E [East] mnts within 1/4 of M [mile] of each other, is not on Map.

1 1/2 M [mile] below is a beautiful val [valley] frequented by Indians. 1 M [mile] long 1/4 wide. [Fine] reaches Pine Cedar Oak Elder Alder Cherry [Azalea] Rose. Patches of Monarch[ ] of Maderia [Madeira] of Linosyris.

[Falls] picturesque

At bottom of this val the Can [canyon] closes. Pot holes in [rocks] 35 ft ab [above] river.

Fire burned off lichens

Fishes in river Alt 3000

Drift 20 ft [ab] level


Can [canyon] ab [above] this camp v [very] rocky & close V shaped

Set out to ascend the S [South] side of Canon made tedious progress horses & mules tending constantly to roll down.

Came to lake 600 ft at N [North] & S [South] oval deep log islands

Nuphar flr [flower] 4 in [inche] wide lvs [leaves] 18 in l [inches long] 13 broad.

beautiful reflections

Sedges. rushes Cat-tail [plugs] cotton Sedges- Willow V. deep Outlet N [north] [into] Main Canon Sequestered [ ] of many a mtn flr [mountain flower] [mnts] golden [rods]

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 8 x 12 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist
