
[Foam] [bells] revolving solemnly as [plants] [at] [home] in space [ ] Red [cornus] Purp[le] [briers ] Black oaks [monardili] bleached Yell[ow] green of cedars Dark green of L oak The [brush] Brush with gray mist [behind] [shaming] every [tassel] Birds harshly flitting long ago, most left Brown ferns & [azalea] Every needle laden row of pearls Ferns unrolled Woodpecker & jay Burned pines every knot & & branch stump picturesque
6350 Bot [bottom] 2nd fall 6275 125 Fall 1 Ind Can 5 N Dom 5 Illustration glacial Tuol Can 6 Capitan (study) 7.9 August 1869 - followed river to head of Tuol Can Sep – 71 entered canon near middle from head of Yo creek Nov – 71 Entered Tuo Canon about 2 miles above head of Hetch Hetchy val & came out by lower end of H.H June – 73 with Keith & Kellogg enter by Double Pk can & ascend to near Soda Springs. June? – 77 From Soda Sp with Magie. Descended to Grand Cascades & returned to Soda Springs. Sep 29? -72 Entered canon by twin peaks side canon. Oct 2nd – 72 & followed great canon to Big Meadows at heart thus completing view of all the [canon] from H.H. to head. Returned by crossing river & following wall across the Cathedal & [Hoff] tribs [tributaries]. July 72 Entered HH with Clark [Merrill] and Wells. Pushed up can to head of 2nd grand cascade. Left horses with [Merrill]. Jun [89] With Johnson – Soda Springs to grand cascades 1895 – Alone started Aug 5 from Big Meadows
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 10 x 16.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist