
82 Lost arrow most wind rock prism about equal in [thickness] [sketch: N [north]; cross sec [section]] Separated by crumbling & falling away of narrow decomposing rock wh [which] united it on north occupies a hollow safe from main gl [glacier]. Also a small stream has had to do with freeing it perhaps 100 feet entirely free [seen] from edge of wall little to W [west] very impressive valley seen between it & wall Similar prism on Mt. Watkins Trees the grandest golden rods Fairly alive ground strewed with burrs & boughs pruning Abundance of music yet wild
83 On very edge few yds (40) ? E [east] fall fissured rocks Fall seen from where leaps out in comets. Irised all way 12 o’clock film of irised cld [cloud] in sky before the sun Most impressive view of irised water ever beheld Seemed as if iris bow in centre broken up & mingled by comets then as if all water irised & [poured] as such from above Wind swayed [column] making dark [shadow] [low] [on] grove next the wall with iris each side Each comet seemed to be [pushing] irised lace ahead of it wh [which] never broke but doubled & streamed backward Wonderful play of iris
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 10 x 16.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist