
58 purple & yellow mimulus & a tall [misty] mt [mountain] Stachys [A branch of the cascade] The cascade is here divided into 2 parts one enters the garden at the E [east] the other a portion of W [west]. E [east] branch glides into the grassy & shruby [shrubby] tangle at the entrance & after bathing the [roots] & mosses [that] cover them it runs out in the [down] covered [stairs] & falls in a stream of drops wh [which] the [sun] colors like beads Small as this dainty wall garden is it contains two pools [both] close at the foot of the [fall] The bottom of one is bright & gravelly the other contains mud veg [vegetation] at E [east] end [clear] other when stream enters with [ ] mosses stripped off by current in flood the other round clover full of [bells] [around] side
59 Shadows of rock Tis [Tissiack] blue Eve [evening] sky wholly dark, walls of valley nearly black A range of very ragged loose topped white clouds come stealing forward over the black forest & along wall from Cathed [Cathedral] to Sent [Sentinel] Cath [Cathedral] top dipped [in] [oil] but still shows dimly Now a gap in the cld [cloud] shows an island of forest floating in cld [cloud] Small flakes of cld [cloud] going hither & thither over [as if] the forest brushing their tips & moving as if seeking something The fall sings stormily (Black stains on walls a black flossy slippery lichen alga)
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 10 x 16.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist