44 7th Fine balmy again Yesterday sunful also [Spirited fight with] A mole I overtook [brazenly] above ground turned & threatened me bravely 8th Balmy sunful 9th [Balmy sunful] 10th [Balmy Sunful] Carex in flower First appearance of summer cumuli back of Tissack. Many small baby like cloudlets on top Tiss, Mint fragrance 12 Avalanche from 2nd brother Heavy gasping with occasional heavy explosions when larger masses after falling free struck full on shelf on bottom resounding near & far Fine gray opaque dust cloud boiled & swirled down all the way track of the aval. down the face of wall. Most delicate & [heavy] of this cloud forms when most of what we in ignorance call violence delicate beauty first result not last beauty begins at once & goes on ever increasing cloud gradually rose from bottom leaving wall bare, as it ascended gradualy
45 rose above the top of the cliff & appeared as a kind of hazy cloud [relieved] on the sunny azure mingling with faint cirrus bands [of cirrus] drawn across from wall to wall. [Counon] fall of rock Thought earthquake watched pool in meadow, untremored & waveless 14th sunful streams increasing warm last night 15 [sunful streams increasing] Violets blue & violets yellow 16. Mimulus wall flower oak buds coloring, Poplar in leaf fresh yellow, Also in flower Slight earthquake, subterranean roar, wh I at first took for avalanche, birds very joyous Falls loudly echoing the sunny days. 17 Sunny 18 [Sunny] ([Large] golden gray Eagle alighted by a pond hole in [Lamous] field 19th Balmy. Flowers & frogs [very] songful & abundant. River "rising rapidly"
Date Original
December 1872
Original journal dimensions: 10 x 16.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist