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111 Dir [Direction] main upper Rush Crk [Creek] Valley N 70 E first [two] miles straight as arrow V [very] wide N [north] [ ] [gothick] [sketch] 1 large lake basin now nearly meadow 1 mi [mile] long Volcanic sand on divide near Lyell On E [east] flank range the greatest quantity of debris washed down by smaller [streams] because steeper channelled & lakeless
112 Oct [October] 18th on head of [the] Rush Crk [Creek] near Mt Ritter on the edge of ice Sunset. Half the horizon is compassed with pks [peaks] The sky is purple & red from the NW [northwest] [two] [spreading] red clouds touch as high as to the zenith like wings How calm in this ample glacial fountain. How unhuman. This field is not yet for apples & wheat Yet is it full of bread for the blessed flies & flowers & [worms] that are homed here The Pinus flexilis can not live higher it is gnarled & crouched growing in clump for mutual protection
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 7 x 15 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist