
103 There are 6 well marked lake basins now meadows in the Lyell Valley Sections on water [courses] show that consid [considerable] filling up has been done The largest of these lakes is just below main W trib [west tributary] more than mile in length not yet filled Moor-like with sage & sedge & clumpy willows very beautiful. There is not any consid [considerable] rock in valley all is pliant & regular & magnificently simple
104 If water eroded this valley why is it now filling up? & why does its west wall break off just where its E [east] does or a little above just where ice would [sketch] [Compel] Why is bottom of vall [valley] flat would require a river big as [Miss] [Mississippi] to cut thus No river cuts a beveled [banked] channel in rock
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 7 x 15 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist