"June 1889, Yosemite Trip (Journal Fragment)" by John Muir


John Muir


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[V.G.] L [lake] Tenaya June 4 1889 Snow gone from shores & most of road from Yo.[Yosemite] Clark [crow] common this morning [Whats] violas v ab [very abundant] & small potentilla grass 6 in h [inch high] [ ] & gophers ab [abundant] Lovely pale gold spiritual sunset seen on rocks aout E [East] side as [canon] down trail. This light brought out Cath [Cathedral] peak as if filled with light all luminous from the heart as Nat [nature] were holding services [inside] MT Hoff [Hoffman] [on] [W] conspicuous buttercups, Rumex in flr [ flower] Flrs [Flowers] of magnifica [amaryllis] & contorta ripe [ground] [strewn] with red cone [of] mag [ ]. Shining of wet rocks glare of polished vast quarry [ Mammoth] sun [ ]rumex gone to seed. dwarf pholx [Good] passing beneath the cool [shadows] arches of the live-oaks & maples on the trail to Gl [Glacier] Pt-[Point] particularly fine view of lower end of val [valley] & also of upper towards head of trail nice views of Half D. [Dome.] [Penstemon] blue & red & pink-[Douglassi] [draperia]. Snow plants in all their glory on clds [clouds] Rest trail June 6. some already gone to [seed] Azelea, Rose wild strawberries ripe mints white & blue violas birds singing already on summits. Very little snow at 9,500 ft [feet] in Cath [Cathedral] Val [Valley] [or] [divide] lol [between] Tuol [Tuolmne River] & Merced [Merced River] In making round trip to Gl [Glacier] Pt [Point] Lit Yo [Little Yosemite] Nevada [Nevada Falls] & Vernal [Vernal Falls] go early by Gl [Glacier] Pt [Point] the trail being in shadow in the morning the trail down from Nevada [Nevada Falls] in shade in the evening.

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 11 x 18 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

