
Seattle Aug. 25 11 P.M. So on [Grant] the Alaska for Tacoma- arrive 6 A.M. 26th Start for Spokane Falls. 10 A.M. rainy morning. [Lumber] rather small to [summit up] new range. No old trees. has been burned off 100 years ago? Mostly Doug and Merten. On E [East] Slope timber [men/new] poles [Marton/Merten] & Will- tunnel 2500 ft. Zigadenus ab [abundant] takes place of grass. Road follows Yakima R. [River] small clear stream [of] 2000 ft. or 17 nearly all timber vanishes save thin growth of Yel. [yellow] p. [pine] & [Contorta]. Then dry gravelly waves until near Ellensburg where broad [meadowy] flat yields grass & vegetables in ab [abundance] & homesteads appear. Ellensburg first town on E [east] willows on banks no more
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 11 x 17.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist