
John Muir


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2,600 feet. Between the sea and the mountains there is a low and narrow strip of land. The hydrographic system of Brazil is largely developed. We cite above all the Amazon, the King of Rivers, with a course of 5,400 kilometers, of which 3,800 is in Brazil, and its affluence of large rivers. On the left Bank of the Aca, the Jupura, the Rio Negro, all more than 1,000 kilometers. The Jary, the Jamanda, the Araguay. On the right bank the Javary, the Jutahy, the Jurua, the Teffe, the Coarym, the Purus, the Madeira, the Tapajoz, the Hingu, the Cotantins. Several of these have courses of 1500 to 3000 kilometers. Among the other rivers we notice the Gurupy, the Puryassu, the Pindare, the Mearim, the Itapicura, the Paranahyba, the Jaguariba, the Mossoro, the Assu, the Parahyba del Norte, the Capiberive, the Ipojuca, the Formoso, the Madahu, the Soa Francisco. This last has a length of 3000 kilometers and the state of Minas Geraes, Bahia, Pernambuco and Algoas. The Vassa-Barris, the Itapicuru do sul, the Pearaguassu, the Contas, the Jaquitimhonha, the Mucury, the Doce, the Parahyba do Sul, the Iguap, the tiffucas, the Tubarao, the Ararangua, the Mempituha, and the little river Chuy that forms the extreme original frontier. Of other rivers that have their sources in these Brazilian territories and fall into the La

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 10 x 17 cm.

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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist
