
Dear Mr [ ] [ ] Yor [letter] of just [received] [receipt] delayed by my [absence] [from] [home] helping [spread] [ ] right to make the use [park] and it’s wonders better known as [In again studying Your] The more I study Your discussion upon the application of the City of S.F, for the H H val [Hetch Hetchy valley] and Lake Eleanor sites, a mark copy of wh [which] you inclosed for me. The greater [seems] the mistake You have made in [granting] allowing the city to destroy any part of the park on any pretexts whatever. Nor can I see justice from any point of view [see justice] in giving away as you have done to less than ½ a mil [ ] [citizen]. Speaking of Yel. Park: “This like the Yo is a great wonderland & should be kept as a natural playground. In both, all wild things [should] be protected & the scenery kept wholly unmarred. Fighting for the integrity of this Yo Park. Appealed to retrieve Where I have been calling attention to the [danger] to Yo park & the persistent efforts now being made to obtain permission to destroy the H.H. Val [Hetch Hetchy valley] One of its wonderful & most useful features that wh [which] belongs & is needed by more than 80 mils
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 10.5 x 17.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist