
Sig black 3 ft dia [diameter] 117 ft [l] [long] 1 ft dia where vanishes under grnd [ground]. 10 large [avg] six [dia] an acre, another adjacent acre none. 3 dark side by side 2 fell NW [northwest] 1 S.E. [southeast]. largest 4 ft dia 2 smaller, about 2-1/2 ft dia 100 l [long]. Straight tall a fine group, on edge of deep gorge few branches 7 others close by . black mostly smaller & well dotted. All made fine grove. 1 much [branched]. prob Lep 100 yds N of above 3 large brown sps 5 & 3 ft dia & 4 ft dia. The 5 & 3 grew close together as if from same root the smaller 134 ft l [long] its [comp] branching at head [seemed] shorter perhaps part [carried] away. 1 black 20 dia [108] ft l [long]
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 7 x 13 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist