February 29. Engaged passage on the Zealandia to Sydney; start at 5:30pm. Glad to get done with rapid survey of New Zealand, though it has been absorbingly interesting, especially its fast fading forests. These form a noble addition to my many noble tree pictures gathered in other lands. March 1. Seas calm, smooth but with the falling swell of a recent storm. In the morning, after breakfast, we were off the north end of [the North] Island – North Cape and Cape Maria van Diemen both in plain sight at once. So also the rocky islet landmarks called the Three Kings. Sky cloudy, albatrosses (the medium sized one, with black wingtips) very abundant and following the ship. Also small dark lead coloured species. Magnificent breadth of moon-silvered waves this evening.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist