"July-August 1903, World Tour, Part II Image 30" by John Muir


John Muir


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is attached to piles in the middle of the river and by manipulating helm is swung across from landing to landing like a pendulum. The river is about a third of a mile wide. There is a gravelly terrace on both sides, no meadow, the hills and mountains on either side have low slopes and the forest edge is rather ragged, trees as usual as far as can see them. The native Amur Cossacks, seem a fine manly set. At 1:45 P.M. go botanizing a few miles from Streitinsk, found what we take to be L. dehourica; has much smaller cones, scales different, perhaps finer leaves, largest trees about 3 or 4 feet diameter, 100 feet high. Not so beautiful as L. Siberica, still fine tree. A few P. sylvestris. We were only on trampled and cut edge of the woods. On dry mead found an orchard of wild apples, Pyrus baccata, fruit 1/4 inch diameter, trees 15 feet high, gray trunks 8 or 10 inch diameter, pruned by the cattle and horses, high as they could reach. Also a wild cherry, a new birch, a new willow very handsome, with long slender leaves, silvery beneath beautiful the most shining of all effect when turned over in the wind. 2 handsome rose bushes and a species of elm, Ulmus parvifolia, and a gentian, dark blue flowers 1 inch long, 2 to 12 or more on plant which varies from 6 to 16 inches long, beautiful asters, 2 spiraea 2 campanula, a mint-geranium and dianthus. The Cossacks here have good farms and houses and pay no rent ro tax to Government in consideration of military service. All Russia is flowery.

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 9.5 x 16 cm.

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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

