
cultivated and pastured, grass still green. Descending fast not 800 feet. 4:20 P.M. Barometer 1600, soon after descending Krasnoyarsk important railroad place on Yenesei, a majestic stream flowing here in magnificent channel valley. 2 well marked terraces 100 feet or more at river, a broad level mostly meadow plan from base of a lower terrace extend to river bank on either side, underlaid, of course with gravel. This great stream coming from the beautifully moulded mountains clad in dense forests among the mountains in sight from river are a number of peaks, some [illegible] lands bold and picturesque. Steamers ascend a day or 2 above Krasnoyarsk. River views said to be very fine. Cliffs like Hudson Highlands. After leaving Krasnoyarsk, the railroad goes down the river right bank, until a small tributary stream offers a way through the high bluff, up which it turns and winds through magnificent forests, especially of larch, some of which I measured 3-1/2 to 4 feet diameter, and tallest near 100 feet high. Thousands of square miles covered with this noble, vital, all-enduring and handsome tree, a sylvestris pine here and there, and spruce, Pinus obovata and fir, and always the brave birch. The larch siberica grows on wet as well as dry ground and there is no limit to the range of forms it takes. The young are very leafy and bunchy branches
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9.5 x 16 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist