"July-August 1903, World Tour, Part II Image 8" by John Muir


John Muir


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fallow fields, black as if burned. Gray that Villages of workers. No fences, cattle herded. August 3rd Warmer. Crossed Volga at 4:30 this morning - a great river. Vast grain fields, rich black soil. At 1:30 P.M. are in wide Countr[y] sunk valley. Red, rounded bluffs 200 feet h[igh] (?) On the n[orth] side extending east and west. Strata exposed on sheer spots. Saw man cradling wheat - much cut by sickle. Was handed Magazine by Mr. Fowler with account of President’s trip, also story by Bailey Millard. 5:30, elevation 1200 feet, extensive patches of birch forest, the largest trees about 50 feet high, raggedy, drooping, picturesque. Grain very short, stacked and shocked more carefully. Harvest now on, round shocks with carefully adjusted cap sheaf. 6:45. Elevation 600 feet. (6:50 P.M. 520 feet; 9:00 P.M. elevation 480 feet. Temperature 90°. Extensive stretches seem pasture for long years unplowed. (Sketch:In the [ ] [El] [open] grassy […] 1400, All above grassy fragrant […] almost […] Looking south from RR the view north [nicely] the same. The […] open upland rolling gently with flat [ ] and pools and small stream. Like […])

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 9.5 x 16 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

