"July-August 1903, World Tour, Part II Image 5" by John Muir


John Muir


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From boundary, and I was very weak. Must be tough though as would probably have died. Began to mend as soon as struck the glaciers of Kasbek. Arm now about well. Went to American consul at 10 A.M., and to bankers. No letters for me. Many for Sargents. They got word that Alice had been operated on for appendicitis and cabled for news about noon. A reply that she was dong well was received in the evening of same day. I at same time cabled to Martinez and received reply “all well”, next morning. Wondrous quick and comforting. The first word since leaving home. In the P.M. drove to Botanic garden, 6 or 7 miles over bad ill-smelling road. Little of interest. The old Minister of Agriculture a good kind man. Also drove through park planted by Nickolas and through the Kremlin. Interesting old towers and very fine view of City from the walls. 500 churches with gilded domes. July 29th At the Consul’s again for information, got word from home, and drove to Kremlin, wandered through Museum, endless jewels, crowns, carriages, vases, and above all guns and other weapons most wearisome to behold. A few good pictures. Sauntered through the palace, very grand, some truly noble rooms, but the

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 9.5 x 16 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

