4 How to catch jack rabbits & rats Lie back of log & make a noise like a turnip. After songs & reading poem to Cap[Captain] Duran by Keeler Growing dark adjourned to social hall & dance sang & speeches went on in wild glee & abandon Harriman Alaska Expedition yell Who are we who are we We are we are H. A. E. [Harriman Alaska Expedition] [Browns] sang to officers & sailors etc V[Very] good. One of sailors has good voice and is good actor. He sang songs pathetic [comic] etc & was wildly cheered. Captain the happiest man on the ship with cheers resolution poems songs. Whats the matter with Cap[Captain] Doran etc All called down stairs for beer Then Gannett & I retired to Captains [Sketch]: 2nd W[west] of Fairweather Dist[distance] from 1st 2 ms[miles] with front 1 m[mile] 5 cabin for smoke & talk. Ship left Safety Cove about 12 midnight. This is charming cove – Shores very finely finished. Many dead spars. Mostly fire killed Fire creeps in dead moss & hummus even when wet. Kills trees without making much show. A good many Doug sp[Douglas spruce] here Dark blue green when young. 28. Fine day temp[temperature] 8 A.M. 73. Cheery breeze Mtns [Mountains] of mainland dimly seen through smoke Many committee meeting Little accomplished. Arrive at Seattle 3.30 AM July 29 (30) Burroughs & I walked up town to 27 Ave [Avenue]. Clds [Clouds] hid the mtns[mountains] tho[though] air unusually clear after a thunderstorm. At 1 oclock all the party lunched at Hotel Butler. Had to submit to interview. Examiner Post Intelligencer got interviews from Gannett, Fernow, Merriman, Grinnell & others. The results as [shown] published this morning. 30 or 31. Very good save those of Gannett
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 10.5 x 17.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist