"May-June 1899, Harriman Expedition to Alaska, Part I, San Francisco to" by John Muir


John Muir


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& irrepressibly lovely in form Contriving to be beautiful under every condition of weather & soil or bare rock. Bare save the cover [blessed] cassiope spreads The rock slate variably metamorphic giving rise to very irregular forms under glaciation. Very little moraine matter left on the ledges. On [such] rocks this hardy hemlock attains a height of 90 or 100 ft dia[meter] of 3 ft 2 inches 2 ft. 4 2. 8. One 9 inches dia [325] yrs old cut by hunters 2 yrs ago? Other old mossy stumps said to have been cut by Aleuts. So says Ind[ian] Jim. Many of the trees seem to have been shattered by lightning. The young trees curiously bent & kinked by heavy snow. All old & young stiffer less [lithe] & graceful than in Cal[ifornia]. Bark of old trees pale gray flaky dark purple inside Now in flr[flower]. Pistillate [5/8] l[long] ¼ dia very dark blue. The staminate ¼ l[ong] 1/8 dia same color. In this forest hem[lock] & then Sitka Sp[ruce] a shrub or small [top half of page torn off] tree. Ptarmigan ab[undant] Cap Kelly hunted night & day Found one bear track. No goats seen or sign 7 ms down inlet the hemlock forest is mixed with Sitka Sp.[ruce] perhaps making 1/5 near shore How far up it extends I don’t know. Found one young tree in flr pistillate glorious purple & red changing in rich [plushy]

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15.5 cm.

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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist
