[Nov 1]. At Johnson’s; spent ½ day in offices of Century, go to lunch with Johnson and all the Century Co. officers at the Players. At 2:30 went to Albemarle for washing and took cab to Johnson’s. Then to Hollinger’s and sat for picture. Thence to Central Station, met Prof. Osborn and went with him to Wing - and - Wing, received hearty welcome by Mrs. Osborn and stayed 4 days. [Nov 2]. Bright crisp day, slightly hazy, the first of Ind summer, usually at best in middle of this month. Find Tulip trees, oaks, white, black and scarlet, and maples, a fine rich row along road where walked in the morning; yell - green tinged with red, fine in tone after rain, Hickories large, shell - bark, brown withered, falling fast over lawn, sailing some fast, others slow, meeting in the air, parting, alighting far apart or together. Red and gray squirrels ab, the latter shorter than Cal gray, heavier; red smaller, slenderer; both glide along the leafy highways from tree to tree, up, down, jumping across from limb to limb with wondrous speed and ease, unhesitating. Had fine drive, found walking fern, sent home roots. Colors mostly fading but many maples in glory, some solid red, also oaks. Glacial lines on hills and also scoring clear, all lines gl. Charming views of Hudson bends from Osborn heights. Enjoy clean light bed, charmingly pure and fluffy, dainty embroidery on bureau cover, coffee in bed. [Nov 3rd]. Prof O gone to city. Walked with Mrs. O selecting tress for transplanting merry fairy girl, Josephine, bewitching, witty, beautiful. Perry manly boy 14 yrs old; his brother a
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist