to get train for Lake George, found steamers on L ran only every day and I would arrive in small hrs of morning, so decided to go to Montreal to see the river and the Lake scenery by day on return. [Oct 17]. Arrived Montreal 7:30 A.M. Had breakfast and started back to Burlington, Vt. On E side of Champlain at 9 A.M. Arrived at Burlington 12:05, a bright bracing day. Had good gen view of Montreal, many imposing buildings, on rim ancient flat, high bluff timbered behind, the river 2 ms wide with many islands; a glorious flood clear pure Northland water, still looks wild, banks timbered in many places, long wide stretch 10 ms or more; on S bank wet in many places and rocky and meadow, rudely farmed, once the bed of the mighty river then 20 to 40 ms wide? Crossed the outlet of Champlain L, a beautiful stream, good views of lake from cars, woods in fine color, vivid red hot and all shades of yel brown and purp and red; here and there mixed with pines and hemlocks wh help to show forth the burning trees and bushes, maples, ashes, elms, oaks, poplar, Vaccinium, dogwood, etc. Sometimes a clump of colored maples is seen surrounded by dark hemlocks or pines, looking like a richly colored bouquet with an outside rim of grass lvs or oak. Glacial traces everywhere, many huge sand beds as well as ordinary gravelly bouldery drift; many gl bosses and moutonee rocks. Drive in buggy around and thro’ Burlington; fine ride, many fine school buildings and residences. The State university buildings of red brick look well. Many wealthy persons have settled here for fine scenery and health; streets clean and hotel; general air of neatness, refreshing after Southern experience. Ethan Allen’s statue in graveyard; grand views of hills South of city, the range of Green Mtns, Mansfield, Camel’s Hump, etc. E, the glorious Lake and rich fold ridges of Adirondacks to W,
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.
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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist