[Oct 1]. Start for Chattanooga. Arrive early A.M. go to Read’s Hotel, eat luncheon and start for Lookout mtn in electric car. At base go up incline by cable. A rough scarped residual mass of gen plateau of Tennessee about 1200 ft ab Chattanooga; covered with oak and hickory, elm, ash, beech, etc. Magnificent view of val of Tennessee countersunk in the Great Plateau. The town widespread and cleared all above save a few farm patches; solid forest, moderate in size of trees; a new looking land. Soldier monuments many. From Chattanooga to Rome, Ga., arrive midnight. [Oct 2]. Set out for woods for a day’s botanizing, a fine drive along Coosa River on “bluff road; fine trees; saw ½ doz new to me or nearly so. The river navigable, subjecy to immense floods. Hickorys very abundant, 3 species; Spanish oak the commonest; red oak here about its Southern limit; cotton boles opening, flrs on same plant, picked over 5 to 6 times, a rather shabby crop, very cheap, 5 to 6 cts, 1.00 during war; 35 cts per 100lbs. for picking, 300 a day’s work. [Oct 3]. Rain all night, muggy, warm; start at 9:10 for Piedmont; steady rain and windy, everything fresh; arrive Piedmont 11:00. Start for Pell City at 3 P.M. after walk in rain and lunch. Found fine specimens of water and willow oaks and hickories in graveyard, one with large lves, another with very small fruit, a pignut. Arrive at 6 P.M. Have supper and start for Tuscaloosa, arrive 1:30 A.M 4th Ride in rain to Pell City; interesting trees, fine oak and pine, persimmon, maple, etc; fresh green Taeda pine shoots from stumps, pale green, single needles,, fasciles from their axils; very crooked and up and down road thro’ hills, nearly stalled on Coal Hill; a beautiful country, a few fine mansions, most poor, scrawny, cotton and corn; a day more than a week long.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.
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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist