extreme end of Cape sandy. Met Mrs. Sargent and the fine girls and manly boys just getting ready for Harvard. Still sick, unable to eat the fine dinner prepared for me; a memorable trip. [Sept 18]. Return to Boston, arrive at 8 P.M. Fine drive in Sargent’s cab thro’ park in Brookline. Eat toast and to bed. [Sept 19]. Spend the day at Sargent’s, sleeping, sauntering, reading still sick. Meet Walter H, Page, and good chat, smart fellow. [Sept 20]. Set out for NY and South; beautiful groves of oak, elm, etc. Wake in Virginia. [Sept 21]. Charming mtn scenery, fields of corn, cabbages, some fruit. At 8 P.M. arrive at Cranberry Inn, fine place, lovely leafy, bosky place. Amalanchor 30 ft high, grand Liriodendron, Nyssa, Magnolia, Acunnata, Oxydendron, chestnust, scarlet oak. [Sept 22]. Rain all day pouring; trees rejoicing. Vernonia tall prup comp at Cranbeery. [Sept 23}. Rain over; sky cl and clear; wind rapidly drying the woods. Had beautiful walk with Sargent. Saw Osmunds, Claytonias, Aspidium, Aculiatum and Conchitis; Vernonia 4 to 6 ft high, rich purple fl in panicles, like aster, wave in wind right royally; saw Mitchella. Saw inmile walk 34 trees, scarlet or Coccinea, red, black, white and chestnut, hickory, shellbark, ash, beech, birch, 2 cherry, Tulip with deep furrowed and smooth bark on same tree; Nyssa large, dead or ½ dead at top, densely clad with smaller limbs below; Tapelo, Magnolia, Acunnata, and Tripotala; Amalanchor, Buckeye, very tall 50 ft; dogwood 2 species, florida and alternifolia; 2 species maple, rhododendron. {Sept 24]. On Roan High Bluff, over 6200 ab sea. Gray granite rock joints weathering lovely slopes feathered with coloring trees descending in fine lines. Gray rocks on top, then a border of rich vigorous rhododendron catawbiensis with Leiophyllon buxifoluium, charming shrub with white flrs and small sparkling lves; then mtn ash in fruit back of rhodo and seen against a background of densely fruited Abies Frasiri. Marvellous view of mtns fold beyond
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.
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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist