Start for Shasta. July 2, [18]97 Yel p in full flr at Sissons. [July 3]. Alt 500, Sac River, abundance of yel pine. At 600 Doug sp and with both Sapine. Arrive Sissons 12:30 P.M. July 3. [July 4]. At 9 start for timber belt of magnifica Shasta. Logging and wood cutting for locos has been carried to exhaustion up to Magnifica, alt 5300. Then fires in rubbish has made denudation compete, few black stumps and scorched trees, melancholy ruins, bushes will spring up. Traction engines. Went to upper limit of Magnif at 8300 ft by 2 o’clock. Solid pure Magnif all the way. The bark at upper limit and near it of many young and mid aged trees gray as Concolor and some wide furrowed, 20 or 30 ft of top white as milk. Old gravy and brown, some 6 ft dia 140 ft h at 8000 ft.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist