"August-September 1896, Forest Field Studies Image 23" by John Muir


John Muir


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party 3 [sandwiches] cheese etc. & had large canteen of water went beyond Basins pt [point] & had view of upper rim of Little Colorado which seems to run up hill Surface of plateau gently slopes away from Main Canon [Canyon], bottom of course of Little Col. [Colorado] the other way. [sketch: top plateau, bottom of Lit. Colorado, main canon] The whole [environ] seems to have been straight downward as if from rain. Not even driven aslant, no greater wear on one side than another much less no oversweeping ice. Similar can [canyon] with contained castellated mass in limestone with v [very] little or no water visible. [9] ms [miles] from Flagstaff where many cliff dwellings on ranged beneath overhanging solid ledge of limestone where weathering of softer strata has made level floor 20 ft [feet] wide or so & corresponding overhanging [ceiling] cross & front walls 2 ft [feet] to 18 inches all that is required. Ceiling blackened. An hr [hour] before sunset we chose a fine camp among little pines & also collected wood, cedar for [manna]

to the gods & camped for the night glorious fires bringing out beauty of grass & sage tufts gloryfyiing even these & transforming the [lit] gray nut pines to dwarf beauty & cedars with many gray branches & stems & the stars [saw] once more [charming] sunset chatted until midnight then dosed [dozed] on juniper lvs [leaves] rising to replenish fire. start at 4.30 for hotel arrive at 5.30, wash & wait for breakfast. 30 went to bottom of canon down Hance Trail. Mesquite on sandy flat Ind [Indian] [huts] River strong broad flood brown mud laden. Many climates passed on the way. Charming [abronia] near foot of trail. [Had] Mrs & Mr Hague & station officers (Naval) for companions. Sargent & Pinchot went to Flagstaff today. We start tomorrow.

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

