Grounds about hotel froway. Ride to Fountain Hotel, lovely meads, grand view of mtns, snowy flry. Rock rhyolite or same changed by steam to soft mealy mass varying in colors. Mass of Obsidium largest in the world columnar. The only glass road in “o” along its base. Beaver - dams. One small and recent, another large and overgrown with sedge making extensive lake. One beaver - house in the lake. Saw 2 Doug squirrels browner than in Cali, otherwise the same nearly. Saw one water ouzel on the Firehole River on log lodged on island rock. Both this and the Gibbon River fine streams. About Mammoth Springs and elsewhere whole hillsides yellow with Mytheia. Handsome senecio also makes abundance of yellow bloom. Whole hills when dry and open covered with fine yell eriogonum. Lovely blue masses of penstemon, the loveliest nemophila blue of all penstemons I have seen. A beautiful blue gentian rather rare about Mammoth Springs common at mid and upper Geyser Basins, like simplex but larger and handsomer. Juniper large and Eastern prostrate abundant at Mam Hot Springs, also Doug sp and Englemans and Flex pine. At Antelope and Willow meadows and moonward over all the plateau Murryana rules supreme; only along cool bases of cliffs and streams and meadows Engleman sp, flex pine and subalpine fir occurs. The fertile flrs of flex lovely crimson.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 8.5 x 14.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist