
John Muir


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Saturday, March 28, 1896

Fine day. All vegetation happy.

Mr Curry came & settled acct [account] for Blum

I taking acknowledgment of balance of $110.30 from him & giving receipt in full in return

X Walked with Helen to the old ranch watching the herons at the heronry by the way, they are now hatching.

Sunday 29

Clear & cool. & breezy.

Monday 30

High north wind - & cool. Blinding dust on way to Martinez

X Slight frost last night

Tuesday, March 31, 1896

Slight frost

Fine weather. Walked yesterday on hills with Helen. Found tiny buttercups. & Valerianella - a curious little plant.

X Wrote to Sellers & sent photo with autograph also to E Edwards & WC. Curruth.

Wednesday, April 1

Fine day - warmer again, had fine walk with Helen. Measured Mt Wanda - 300 ft [feet]

Mt Helen as near as I could make out with level is about 10 ft [feet] higher

Had fine time examining flrs [flowers] with pocket lens & teaching Helen the Happy

Thursday 2

Fine cool day walk on the two hills with Helen - a 2nd species of wythea near summit of Helen hill.

X Sent receipt to Mr Petersen for $25.

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 18 x 21 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist
