most striking view of one of the roughest glacial channels in Sierras shows how far from smooth and regular it may be N & S, E & W vertical cleavage points well developed and some down-slate polished in many places. Baromete 863_n camp close about it also dwarf phlox monardilla castillera chugnopi. Ash (just out of flower) Ledona pf showy white Milfoil, cherry purple aster white flowered calachortus 1 to 2 feeet high less grass-like flowers 2 in. in diameter white inside yellow hearted a black spot on petals outside streaked purple very aboundent on moraine to Conness. Contorta seeds half ripe, next year’s cones half inch long. Roches Moutonees from 3 feet or less to 3.000. Many chipmonks, saw one dozen getting breakfast after got mine mostly seeds of foxtail- as much at home on rocks as on trees- woodchucks also aboundent here eat grass and seeds of honeysuckle. Paton spruce, cones nearly ripe 2 in. long three quarters dia. beautiful purple dark, scales five sixths in. long half in. wide, bracts very short one eight in. long purple margined mucronate cones borne at ends of branchlets leaves three quarters in. long rather blund striated dotted covereved with pale glaucus bloom when young all curving upward like magnificent silver fir the pale leaves of this year give a handsome appearance at this season twigs very tough flexible may be tied in knots leaves short pedunculate stay on 4 to 7 years leaves stumps on branchlets to roughen them when they fall. First large fall exceedingly rough tossed hither thither up and down side to side- broken to salt-like crystalline mass. Sketch page 9 First large fall cutting action of water wall shown yet slight changes made since glacial period.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 10.5 x 17.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist