
John Muir


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July 29. 1895. Left San Francisco at 5:30 p.m. arrived at Fresno about 1:30 a.m. July 30. The sleeper layed over at Fresno until 4:30 a.m. the rest of the train going to Los Angeles. We came by way of the West side line. By 7:30 we were at Raymond for breakfast. Why in going to Yosemite we should have to go 50 miles or more to the south and back making the journey 100 miles longer is one of the tourist marvels. Only the railroad gains by this . July 30. Breakfast good enough-$1.00 rather dear. Recognized Mr. Leidig when he spoke. Went into kitchen to speak to Mrs. L. Rosy, fat, in atmosphere of greasey smells. They like the Yosemite business pad like gambling trade, can’t escape from it. Raymond is a dusty dreary sunburned station, the grade of last 8 miles very steep and crooked. Only granite besides Yosemite budiness for the poor winding doubling road. Yellow poverty-grass a few thistles, a few Douglass oaks, shallow shadeless pools doves drinking about them, here and there a willow poplar. Jackrabbits about- Mines- trees wide apart. Half desert. At Grub Gulch a knoll crowned with a group of noble oaks a good cause for a town. From here we soon begun to rise and the grand mountain ridges with the spires of yellow pines thronging the long slopes come to view and my heart burns, and we feel how true it is that going to the mountains is going home. Bush poppy, Cianothus, Alder, Cottenwood, long descent to Fresno Flags, Fields, richer woods, maple, Kel. Oaks to Ahwanee where we lunch. Altitude 2400 feet Descent 550. Then long ascent to finer woods. Live oak, Gold cup, laurel, Fremontia and sooner Sugar pine. From ridge Sequoia Domes. The Sabine fine specimens with a dozen equal stems begin at Raymond and run to 4500. Silver fir Concolor- one saw mill- Gooseberry poison oak- At about 8000 feet grandest woods and long descent to

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 10.5 x 17.5 cm.

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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist
